Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day?

So, of course, today is Valentine's Day. I had PT at 7:30 this morning, then I worked out, went to class, and now I'm at work until right before my night class at 6:00. I'm still fighting this ridiculous chain of monstrous colds. I have been sick now for almost a month, and I'm wondering if it will ever get better. Yes, I have been to the doctor and he pretty much told me there was nothing he could do because I just had continuous symptoms of the common cold. Oh well, I've decided that when you go through severe emotional trauma, your immune system gets depressed, and well, that's what I'm dealing with I guess. So, I was working at the coffee shop and I saw a girl come in and sit in one of the chairs for a while. I could tell she was waiting on someone because she didn't order a drink and she wasn't studying or anything. A little while later, a guy walks in with a Gladware box of what seemed to be homemade cookies and two red roses. The girl immediately jumped up as she saw him and ran into his arms with a giddy little giggle. It was so sweet and sad at the same time. I would love just one single rose for Valentine's Day. Oh well. I did, however, get a huge package from my mom for Valentine's Day. I was so excited!! I got several bags of coffee for my new coffee maker, some chocolate, some cookie cutters and sprinkles to make cookies, and a couple of other things. I thought today was going to be really tough, but I have a couple of amazing friends who are praying for me today, and I know their prayers have helped me get through. So, all in all, it hasn't really been that bad. I'm reading this awesome book by John Eldridge called Desire and God has really been speaking to me through it. It has been encouraging because I had decided that I don't ever want to fall in love again, or at least not for a long time, but he speaks on the importance of not burying our desires. For as long as I can remember, a strong desire of mine has been to marry the man of my dreams, to love him unconditionally, and for us to grow as one spiritually with God at the forefront of our life together. God made my heart with that desire and for me to bury it and pretend I was never passionate about it would be an insult to Him. The desires of our heart come directly from God. He brings us closer to Him through those desires. To flee from them would be to cut off that connection we have with our Father....

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