Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well, it's about time.... know by now that I go through Blog phases, and obviously I just got out of a Blog drought. Now that I'm done filling out and paying an arm/leg for grad school apps, I'm hoping I'll have more time to update my blog. To be completely honest, I am constantly updating my blog in my head, but for some reason every time I sit down to put those thoughts to words, I get distracted doing something else. I'm going to have to be more disciplined.

If you were unaware or just didn't read the paragraph above, I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!! Yay! Well, I'm technically in school right now taking my last prerequisite at a local community college, but I just recently applied to 3 grad schools for Occupational Therapy! I'm so excited to go back to school, study, and gain the knowledge I need to do the occupation I'm truly passionate about: Occupational Therapy with Special Needs kids. It would have been nice to start directly after I graduated, but God had different plans, and I thought I did too. However, He knew that I would need to be in Charlotte, living on my own, and coaching at SWIMMAC for two years before I would be ready to go back to school. There was a lot I needed to learn, and I needed to gain some independence. Most recently, He wanted me to realize that the work environment can be extremely flawed: not all of your co-workers will share the positive, optimistic outlook on life that you possess; your boss may be intimidating, unhappy, and a workaholic, and you may be quite non-confrontational, but you CANNOT allow him/her to walk all over you - you need to have the confidence to tactfully stand up for yourself and what you believe; the behind the scenes aspect of the company may be incredibly chaotic and unorganized, but you MUST put on the facade that everything is "just peachy" :)

I'm praying that my work environment will be a little different and slightly better when I become an OT, but I have a feeling God wouldn't have exposed me to my current situation if I weren't going to encounter it again sometime down the road. Oh live and you learn, right? So, now, I wait until March to find out whether or not I made it into any of the OT schools to which I applied. If you know me, you know waiting is VERY hard for me, but that is the #1 lesson God has been consistently trying to teach me. It has taken God 25 years so far (wow, that's the first time I've actually said my current age since my bday was last week; it sounds so old...) to teach me to wait, and ironically, I'm still waiting to learn that lesson.

Over the next few months, I will be making some HUGE decisions (de ja vue - senior year of college?) I have to move because there are no OT programs in Charlotte. So, I will be moving 1 of 3 places, and it will be a repeat of two years ago when I moved to Charlotte right after I returned from Africa and I knew no one. Thank you, God, for already bringing me through the process of moving to a brand new place and not knowing anyone. At least now I kind of know what to expect. So, where will it be? Charleston, SC; Richmond, VA; or Mobile, AL? Only God knows...

1 comment:

Court said...

yay! thanks for updating :) can you follow my blog so I don't look like such a "blog loser" ? Thanks! :) Love your work comments lol!